Video Game

I Found Him In The Garden

“I Found Him In The Garden” is a 2D game developed as part of a game jam I took part of in early 2023. I took on this jam together with 3 other friends who handled the art, character, UI and animations while I solely focused on developing the game inside Unity. The rules of the game jam dictated that we should create a game within a week that fits a certain theme – “The end is a new beginning”.


February 20, 2023

Client Name

Shuffle 8

A Whimsical Quest of the Grim Reaper

Since this was my first jam working alongside others, I was worried that we would have many time-consuming disagreements in the process. To my surprise though we all had a similar mindset and each of us was open to hear other opinions. The most challenging part we came across though, was coming up with an idea that can fit such a vague theme. We wanted something fun but we also wanted something that makes sense. It took us a while but after one session of brainstorming we eventually came up with a cool idea – a grim reaper that needs to save the soul of a dying kitten by taking the souls of humans. It was whimsical idea and we all loved it so we got to work.
We worked hard on the game, day and night and even submitted the game hours away from the deadline but we finally did it! With blood sweat and tears we got the game done and it was glorious. The teamwork was amazing, the communication was awesome and we were thrilled we made it on time and had something to show for it.